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Mel Vali is one of Adelaide’s leading studios catering to male clientele.  Realistic and natural brows for Men, are one of our prides and joys that we are able to generate for our male clients.


We start with a full consultation with our clients to discuss and visualise their expectations.  We will then draw and design the brow design with clients to ensure this process has a collaborative approach.  After adjustments are done, we will start our microblading process with the utmost strict processes of health and hygiene practices.  A post aftercare discussion will follow with practical strategies on how to maintain your new brows.  At Mel Vali, we provide a take home care package to ensure you are well equipped to maximise the retention of your new microbladed brows.

Our beautiful studio is situated in Newton.  See contacts and FAQ page for more information.


What makes male and female brows different?

Hair stroke and spatial irregularities. The human eye is naturally drawn to patterns, therefore any uniform approach to Microblading will result in a noticeable outcome.


Mel Vali creates irregularities within our customized hair patterns to ensure it blends seamlessly with the natural brow hairs.

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